jeudi 7 mai 2015

The New Big Trend

The Next Big Thing :

Trip Advisor Review Express :

- Automation of email campaign
- What is it ? 
- How it is important for us ? 
- What will be next ?

- The benefits of Review express
- Why TripAdvisor is important
- Figures related to guests' decision

Presentation google slide here 

Sources : Article 1   Article 2

jeudi 30 avril 2015

vendredi 3 avril 2015

Go Digital to improve guests' experienc

Session 1 

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Marriott Snapchat

1- Hotels can use social to improve guests experience:

1 - Hotels can know our guests before they arrive (CheckMate).
2 - Once guests receive the confirmation mail of their reservation, they can  share or tweet directly about their upcoming trip (
3 - Marriott concluded a partnership with a start-up to develop a specific program for the application Snapchat allowing the users to send photos and videos (Marriott - Snapchat) and launched a Youtube Serie.

2. Should a hotel use UGC in various social media in the hotel's social media ? 

  • Hoteliers should use UGC in various social media because it make them part of their guests' universe, it allow hoteliers to create stories and keep in touch with their guests but they have to do it wisely as some guests do not want the hotel to use their image and their own posts on social media. 

  • Hoteliers need to produce accurate and efficient content to add a valuable content that matches with the hotel image and standards as it will be associated to their brand with accordance of the guests and not by taking every pictures, informations or comments. 

  • Producing too much or not enough content on social media can damage the efficiency of the digital campaign. Having a good frequency of sharings and publication is the best way to have an accurate campaign that touches guests. 

3. What issues/problems result from hotel's use of guest information used in social media?

vendredi 9 janvier 2015


I've learn different new concept and practices such as : 
- The virtuous cycle
- How to collect feed backs
- The Google's 5 steps of travel
- That 1 point increase in Global review index = +0,89% increase on ADR and + 0,54% on Occupancy and + 1,42% on RevPar

Valuable information : 

- 1 point increase in Global review index = +0,89% increase on ADR and + 0,54% on Occupancy and + 1,42% on RevPar
- How to write an answer to a negativ review on Trip Advisor

If I were the creator of this webinar I would have explain how to answer to a positiv review too. I also would have put more example of hotels doing great with their best practices in terms of guest satisfaction as I work in a Palace hotel that is doing very well with this aspect of the service. 

This webinar is very usefull for hoteliers and I will certainly remember the benefits of good guests satisfaction and Global reviews.